December 2023 Review

Welcome to Paper Crafting With Rebecca! I am delighted you stopped into my crafty blog. I hope you find the information here fun, informative, and inspirational. I create this blog (and videos) because I love meeting new people and connecting with others in the paper crafting community.

I certainly hope you enjoyed a very happy holiday season and are ready to jump into 2024! I had a fun season, even relaxing at times (which is a first for me). As a grandmother I enjoy the fun of being with the children but don't have to do all the holiday "obligations" that parents try to keep up. I had my turn at that! We grandparents simply enjoy spoiling and playing with the little ones while they show us what Santa has brought them.

The new tent was a hit!

Of course I did have a lot of fun in my crafting studio this month, too! I made cards, tags, home decor, and tried to get my scrapbooking caught up... but didn't get the scrapbook layouts done that I had planned. I like to have at least a full hour of uninterrupted time when I scrapbook because I get into the "zone" when scrapbooking. By that I mean, I develop the scrapbook layout in my head and don't want to stop until the layout is completed. When I am card making it seems like I can walk away from that easier if interrupted and then go back to complete it when I can. Scrapbook layouts... not so much. What about you? Do you have certain projects that you don't like getting pulled away from once starting? Let me know in the comments.

Here are some of the goodies I participated in or created during December...

A fun card to create with a nautical feel to it.

Look at all these stamps sets I unboxed! Be sure to use the code
I share in the video to get 10% off if you order something!

The Pink & Main Collaboration Hop was a blast!

Of course I couldn't wait to play with some of the new stamps and
share some ideas and tips with you.

My last #KCC13 entry for the year!!

There were so many stamps and I had so many ideas! I simply
had to create another video and show you all the fun. I hope you are inspired.

I have a lot more fun planned for 2024 as well. I am staying on the design team for Kendra's Card Challenges so that means an opportunity for you to win prizes! Be sure to follow me on YouTube so you don't miss a single video that has a prize drawing attached to it. There will also be more activity and fun surprises in my YouTube Community Tab this coming year that you will NOT want to miss out on either.
(Did I mention freebies?😁)

Lastly, I want to say "thank you" to all of you who support me by watching my videos, commenting on my social media, and provide me with encouragement and motivation to keep going. I have a passion for paper crafting and I love sharing it with you, especially when you leave comments and we an interact with each other.

Wishing you all a very Happy 2024 and Happy Paper Crafting!!

Instagram: @papergluefun
