May 2024 Review


Welcome to Paper Crafting With Rebecca! I am delighted you stopped into my crafty blog. I hope you find the information here fun, informative, and inspirational. I create this blog (and videos) because I love meeting new people and connecting with others in the paper crafting community. The photo above are a couple of graduation cards using a kit from Cards By Kendra . There are so many perks to becoming one of her patrons!

May definitely kept me hopping! I had some medical issues to deal with that have hindered me a bit... namely losing clear vision in my right eye. 

This photo is of my eye! Taken from the perspective of retro illumination. There is nuclear sclerosis (NS) and a posterior subcapsular cataract (PSC).  The most visually impactful is the PSC cataract. A PSC cataract is a "posterior sub capsular cataract known to develop quickly in the eye. In some cases, patients can go from clear vision to blind in a matter of months." "PSC is the least prevalent of the three common types of cataracts." I'm not old enough for Medicare... so now the "negotiations" with my health insurance for eye coverage begins... 🤦🏻‍♀️ oh bother!

But on the brighter side... I did participate in some fun hops this month!! Here are the links in case you missed the process videos and would like some paper crafting inspiration:

This was such a fun shaped card to create!

Look at these amazing papers!

Does this card make you crave some lemonade!?

There are some fun technique surprises in this video!

May also included some fun with family picking strawberries... I simply have to share a couple of fun photos of that!

Such an adventure for everyone! I loved how every time the toddler would find a berry he would say "ooooo, red one"! He ended up saying that many times over. LOL

Be sure to visit my Facebook page or my Instagram @papergluefun throughout the month so you don't miss out on hops, giveaways, and other fun events!! I always love to hear from you in the comments.

Happy Paper Crafting,
